"My husband and I set an example by riding transit, because we want all three of our girls to have access to an excellent education, as well as employment and transit."

"As someone who is legally blind, I prefer to be independent and use the bus rather than having to rely on car rides from others."

"The Marion County Transit Plan will directly impact my ability to keep my job and to pay the bills."

"I rely on the bus daily to get home from work."

"I use the bus to get groceries, get to work and take my grandkids to the park."

"I choose not to own a car, so I use the bus. I support mass transit, and I support desperately needed improvements to transit in Indy."

"I've used transit since high school. It saves me the expense of having a car. It just takes a little planning."

"I like taking the bus but I look forward to my commute being shortened."

"Mass transit supports health and equity and makes any city more vibrant through the connections it creates."

"I used to take the bus all the time, but after spending three hours the bus and still being late I had to switch. I'm looking forward to the Purple line so I can get rid of my car. In the past year alone, I've spent nearly $6,000 on gas, insurance and maintenance."

"I don't currently use transit but as a teacher the time on the bus would be useful for grading papers. I just need it to be more convenient."

"United Way of Central Indiana knows that a robust transit system is critical to creating opportunity and allowing residents to achieve self-sufficiency. As such, we support Indy Drives Transit." - Ann D. Murtlow, President & CEO of the United Way of Central Indiana

"Until recently I have always used transit to get to work but the bus has become a challenge to use with the bus coming only every 60 minutes. With the new plan my bus would come every 15 minutes."

"It's beyond time to correct six decades of cultural devotion to the automobile. Great cities have great mass transit."

"With my health, keeping to my schedule is important. I need a bus system I can count on and that will be on time."

“Efficient, successful public transit provides substantial environmental benefits, reducing motor vehicle pollution, moving more people with less energy, and making walkable, mixed use neighborhoods more attractive. For these reasons the Hoosier Environmental Council strongly supports the Marion County Transit referendum.” - Tim Maloney, Senior Policy Director of the Hoosier Environmental Counicl

"Access to health care! I am a psychiatrist at Eskenazi and SO MANY of my patients rely on public transportation to get to appointments."

"It's holding our city back. And the BRT going through my neighborhood will help our business district and improve access for our residents."

"I look forward to the extended service to Carmel, Fishers and Castleton."

"This is what we know: millennials value urban density and are seeking communities where car ownership is a choice, not a necessity. We also know that tomorrow's young professionals are choosing to delay or even forego getting driver's licenses." - Karissa Hulse, Director of Programs & Community Partnerships of IndyHub

"Mass transit is vital to connectivity between neighborhoods, jobs, and culture. For a city our size, we are long overdue for an upgrade."

"Living in the city is about convenience and without well established mass transit we're not a city."

"Public transportation investment will enhance quality of life in central Indiana and give people greater access to more housing opportunities throughout our city.” - Roger Lundy, MIBOR President and local REALTOR®.

"About time!"
About Transit Drives Indy
The Transit Drives Indy (TDI) Coalition, comprised of organizations across Marion County, seeks to educate voters in Marion County on the benefits of public transportation and advocate in support of the Marion County Transit referendum.