February 20, 2024
House Roads and Transportation Committee
SB 52 up for second reading
8:30 AM in the House Chambers
Sign up for Testimony here (opens first thing Feb 20)
Or, arrive early and sign up outside the House Chambers
Unable to attend? Submit your testimony here:
Transit is Essential Stakeholder Support Form

Community Heights/Irvington
I personally use the #10 Bus and bike commute. The current shared traffic bus [lanes are] inefficient and slow, and forces me to bike commute, which can be difficult and precarious sometimes given weather and some drivers.
[The] Blue Line would provide a faster option for transit.

1820 Ventures, Managing Partner
The 1820 Venture's planned $350+ million of investments is in a critical BRT corridor in our city.
If the Blue Line does not move forward because of SB 52, then our projected investment could be at risk of being fully realized."

Irvington Business Owner
I own and operate a business in Irvington and I fully support the Blue Line coming through Irvington on Washington Street. The blue line will not only help the city as a whole but if given the chance, will actually help our local businesses.
Public transportation and dedicated bus lanes are essential to the safety of all Indianapolis residents.
Connecting essential workers. Uplifting a community with infrastructure improvements. Improving public transit reliability. Driving economic development in the hundreds of millions of dollars. IndyGo is beyond transit.
Why is transit essential? What does IndyGo do and who do they serve? Learn more in this pocket guide.
Click on the image to learn more.